
If you made it to this page, you are a truly generous person, and you are probably trying to figure out a way to contribute to Alex Innecco’s ECAI – Espaço Cultural Alexandre Innecco – a unique center for the arts created in 2011.

We have become a center for artistic and cultural resistance in Brazil’s capital. We employ 12 people among teachers and staff. We survived the pandemic because we created a YouTube channel that became a hit. We decided to keep the channel active, and through its hundreds of free videos, ECAI educates thousands of people across Brazil.

In the two PayPal menus on this page, you will be able to choose from two options: a ONE TIME DONATION or a MONTHLY DONATION. If you have any trouble figuring it out, use the e-mail form on this page to ask your question. Please, do not give up; your donation is extremely important at this time.

THANK YOU for your generosity. These are difficult times for many people and organizations, and your choosing us to donate to makes us incredibly grateful.

Yours truly,

Alexandre (Alex) Innecco


(choose $10 through $100, then click on “Assinar“)

Help ECAI to exist


(Choose $10 to $500, then click on “Comprar agora”.  You’ll be redirected to the PayPal menu to finalize your donation.)

Help ECAI to exist

Use the form below for questions and doubts. This goes directly to Alex, and it may take a couple days for him to respond (fields in Portuguese ask for your name, email, subject and text). After filling it out, click on “Enviar.”)